Would that be a good thing? What bastard or group of bastards is in power in the US?
It is said that FDR was the first to use the phrase “he might be a bastard, but he’s our bastard” . We have a history of using “bastards” to advance our national interests - or the interests of the military industrial complex? God knows.
We lived in Chile during the last years of Pinochet’s rule in Chile. You might find this interesting, or not. The consensus in Chile about the Pinochet regime was that he had to act at the time - in 1973. Otherwise Chile would become just another Soviet satellite. We were told as much by many Chilenos from many walks of life and social standing.I think that was true given the number of Soviet agents involved in Allende’s government. A Communist takeover of Chile was in the works. Remember. This was during the Cold War.
So we intervened. Did we do the right thing? God knows.
The form of popular protest called cacerolazo began in Chile as housewives protested the Allende administration. People were not happy with the strikes, long lines to obtain food and other necessities, and the general chaos. People also saw that members of the Communist party had all they needed, even toilet paper.
One friend in particular told us what she experienced one day. Whenever anyone saw a line, they would get in it - just in case it was a line to buy food or some other necessity. She saw a line one day and got in it. After awhile she figured out that it was for tires. She didn’t have a car, so she had a good laugh. Others told us of their experiences living under the Allende regime.
Our CIA helped bring down Allende and supported the coup. During Pinochet’s regime, especially after a free market economic structure was put in place - one that lifted them out of the late 70s recession - , life was good during the 80s - unless a person opposed the regime. There were lots of terrorist attacks and the unrest and oppression was wearing on everyone’s psyche.
After 17 years, the US decided that we wanted Pinochet out of power. He had been used to set up a globalist economy, and then he had to go. Chile was part of GHW Bush’s 1,000 points of light, New World Order. Chile has been one of our satellite countries since at least the 70s if not before.
One time a vice admiral of the Chilean navy asked me what the US wanted. First the US wanted Allende out, then we supported Pinochet. Later our bastard had to go.
Pinochet was our bastard.
Thankfully there was a peaceful transition of power and Chile returned to its liberal democratic roots.
Now the same kind of unrest we are seeing worldwide is happening in Chile once again. Antifa is real and active in Chile.
Who’s bastard is Antifa? There are lots of possibilities. Who would benefit from Chile’s collapse?
Now we have dueling bastards in DC. A major military force has been deployed to the city. All that for the inauguration of a man, Joe Biden who won with 81+ million votes and is obviously wildly popular? Maybe. God knows.
We may never know. That’s how DC works.
Seems to me DC is sitting on a huge sewer that will someday back up and...it won’t be pretty. The crimes committed are real - all of them I suppose. God knows.
God knows, and King Jesus will come and sort it all out someday. Meanwhile, each day we do what we need to do. In my case, that’s pretty mundane at this point in my life.
Stay home. Stay safe. Pray. Wash dishes. Cook meals. Wash clothes. We shall see.
Thankfully, most politicians do not keep their promises, as God knows already.
There is a lot of censorship right now. Censorship tends to be self defeating.
Life goes on. I do wonder if we have finally invaded ourselves, though. That would be a hoot.
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