Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Few Thoughts on the Kavanaugh “thing"

1. The Democrat Party has turned the Senate confirmation process for Supreme Court justices into a circus. This is generally a fairly simple process. Most of the time, the Senate will grant the sitting president his wishes when it comes to the approval of justices.

2. Since Democrats fear that Kavanaugh will somehow be able to overturn Roe v. Wade, they believe that any and all forms of resistance are legitimate. Actually, abortion was not illegal in many states of the US at the time of the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Even if it were overturned - which is not likely - the issue would return to the states. It would not criminalize abortion or even end it in the US.

3. What the Democrats are doing in the Senate Judiciary Committee - and have been doing for the last couple of weeks - is a kind of lynching of Judge Kavanaugh. Forget due process. Forget innocent until proven guilty. The man must be destroyed by any means necessary. I'm not sure how that will play in future elections.

4. Some women are advancing the slogan "Believe Women". Of course, a woman who claims to have been assaulted should be listened to. However, a woman should not be believed just because she is a woman.

Refer to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In the book a black man is accused of rape and the accuser is a white woman. The book was a powerful defense of things like the rule of law and due process for all.  We should not return to a time of lynchings and mob rule, which is what Democrats seem to be championing once again.

5. Democrats seem to believe that their antics will help them win in midterm elections. I try not to make predictions, especially about the future, but I wonder if their tactic will work. We shall see.

6. What Democrats really want is to impeach Donald Trump and then Mike Pence. Then they could somehow return to power. Why not just wait until the next election? I have no answer for that. There are some theories out there as to why the Dems are so desperate. Generally one party regroups after a loss and tries to win elections in the future. Generally, demonstrations and violence undermine a party's credibility. Maybe we don't live in general times.

Why do things like rule of law and due process have to be sacrificed on the altar of political power? We will regret it. Back to mob rule. Back to lynchings. And for what?

7.  What I fear for Dr. Ford is that after the Democrats are done using her, she will be left on her own. She will have to pick up the pieces of her life and move on. She will become another Cindy Sheehan.

Dr. Ford does not remember any details about the alleged assault. From what I have heard from women who have told me about their assaults, they remember every last detail. What does Dr. Ford think she is remembering?

8. If Republicans allow the Dems to win on this, they will probably lose as well. I understand that the Dems want to win by any means necessary. What I don't get is why Republicans don't push back harder.

We are not at war with one another. The political process is dirty; it is messy. That's all.

The mainstream media is controlled by the Democrat Party. So what? Let them say what they wish. Be strong! Don't let a good man be destroyed for nothing.

9. I was thinking this morning that the chaos we are seeing in this Senate circus is somehow another proof for the existence of God. Someone besides us has to be in charge. I don't know if we are more power-hungry and crazy than ever before or if we just know more about what is going on with those who believe themselves to be in control of the world.

10. I don't know if Kavanaugh will be a good justice or not, but the way the Democrats are trying to destroy him isn't right. It is a bad precedent. Mob rule can lead to all kinds of evil and ugly things. OTOH, maybe it's all just another day in the D.C. swamp and nothing to really be concerned about at the end of the day. The Democrats are furious, but why? They are not making any sense at all.

11. Meanwhile, life is good. The sun is shining. God's in His heaven. All's right with the world - somehow.

Better yet,

Psalm 115:3
Our God is in heaven
    and does whatever he wills.

and The Lord's Prayer

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Crucible

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